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Friday, January 23, 2009

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff – teacher of a sacred dance

So, what kind of spiritual teacher is Gurdjieff? Teacher of a sacred dance. The son of a Greek father and a Armenian mother. Powerful combination.

Till he became a spiritual teacher, he travelled a lot, searching his own teacher and his mission. He traveled in Central Asia, Egypt and Rome. He met a lot of enlightened people, joined a lot of spiritual groups. In his spiritual searching he even came across Stalin. A lot of spiritual teachers of today are quoting Gurdjieff's teachings (e. g. Osho).

He founded his schools first in Russia, after revolution in Georgia, then he traveled in Europe, founded his schools in Berlin, France, England, then in USA. So, what were his teachings about? He said, that “Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies.” So, his teachings were to help people “wake up”. Wake up through Sufi dance, meditations and practices.

He hated laziness. By his opinion, that is the reason of most problems, because people are just too lazy to solve them. So, do not be lazy and search the way to solve your problems!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Who is Eckhart Tolle?

Who is Eckhart Tolle – truly enlightened spiritual teacher or just good writer and collector?. Even Oprah Winfrey is delighted about his books. She don’t just read his books, but also advertise them loudly. A man from Germany has become a spiritual teacher for thousands of people all around the world. But what has he done so special? His books “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth” are best sellers. But if his books are selling so well, does it mean that indeed they bring men towards the light?

We can ask a question – why do his books are so popular? In this time, when human race observe the weaknesses and worthlessness of so popular values – money and power, people are seeking for something else. Different men for ages have been searching the answers on spiritual questions. And actually Eckhart Tolle does not write something new. As he admits, he has combined the best from different teachings. He is quoting such great teachers as Jesus, Mohamed, Buda and many others. And books of their teachings unfortunately stand in lower shelf.

But he really has done very significant thing. He writes in language, which is clear for people and which is audible in the noise of our days. People have become too lazy, they do not have enough free time, or just they do not have enough knowledge to understand the words of prophets. And Eckhart Tolle is like translator, who is doing his job well. But it is for people to decide, what they should adore – The Eckhart Tolle or knowledge and information he gives.

I definitely suggest You to read his two books – “The Power of Now” and “A New Earth”, because they really putting together whole picture. But do not forget, that benefit comes from knowledge only then, when we use it in action. Knowledge without action is worthless. So, ACT!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Who is Osho?

An impossible question to answer, because what to say. How can it actually be said who Osho

Can a flower be defined, can love be bottled and sold? Can truth be contained in words? Can truth like a butterfly be caught? Words can be an echo of something we vaguely know inside ourselves, they can ring bells in our hearts, calling us forth to take a jump to something which is a deep longing.

This longing will pull us to find ways to transform ourselves, dive deep into our own interiority, without blame, without judgement, without fear, without goal, just a fire to know the within, to discover who we are.....find out inside ourselves 'Who is Osho'.

Osho Risk is a 'Buddhafield', a place which vibrates, celebrates, dances, dives into this longing to know 'who we are', to find Osho within, the oceanic existence. Here is a short biography of Osho followed by a question somebody asked Osho.