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Friday, January 23, 2009

George Ivanovich Gurdjieff – teacher of a sacred dance

So, what kind of spiritual teacher is Gurdjieff? Teacher of a sacred dance. The son of a Greek father and a Armenian mother. Powerful combination.

Till he became a spiritual teacher, he travelled a lot, searching his own teacher and his mission. He traveled in Central Asia, Egypt and Rome. He met a lot of enlightened people, joined a lot of spiritual groups. In his spiritual searching he even came across Stalin. A lot of spiritual teachers of today are quoting Gurdjieff's teachings (e. g. Osho).

He founded his schools first in Russia, after revolution in Georgia, then he traveled in Europe, founded his schools in Berlin, France, England, then in USA. So, what were his teachings about? He said, that “Man lives his life in sleep, and in sleep he dies.” So, his teachings were to help people “wake up”. Wake up through Sufi dance, meditations and practices.

He hated laziness. By his opinion, that is the reason of most problems, because people are just too lazy to solve them. So, do not be lazy and search the way to solve your problems!

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